3 Reasons You Need a Content Strategy in 2022

The new year is just around the corner which means it's time to plan your 2022 content strategy. Before we fully shift into holiday mode (December), it’s good to get clear on what your goals are for your business for the next year, reflect on how your last year went and create a roadmap to success. If you use November to plan then you can relax and celebrate in December and hit the ground running in January. 

What is a content strategy?

A content strategy is the planning, development, and management of everything related to your marketing content. Your content strategy will focus on the planning, creation, distribution, and management of the content you create. This strategy is for your social media, website and any other marketing or public relations plans that you may have.

Why you need a content strategy:

1. It will help you set and achieve goals. When you have a plan, it helps you to plan what creation needs to happen while ensuring that all marketing efforts are helping you move closer to your goals. This will assist in creating trackable and tangible outcomes.

2. New opportunities to create and innovate will be discovered. There are always new social media platforms and features being released. If you look at the evolution of social media from last year until now, it will become apparent that we always need to be pivoting our content execution. Looking at social media predictions and doing your research will show you new opportunities to add to your plan.

3. You save time and money. If you put in the time and energy upfront, your main job throughout the year is to follow the plan and execute it. This helps you to stay organized and to conserve your creative energy for your clients or customers.

Learn With Us

At the Strategic Content Planning Summit on November 17th, you will learn from 15+ of the best content creators on the Internet. The hybrid of live sessions from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on November 17th plus a library of pre-recorded sessions which you can watch at your own pace will help you create an implementable plan for 2022.  The live sessions will also be recorded in case you can’t join us for the full morning.

Learn more about the sessions, topics and secure your spot today. CLICK HERE

Tami Tate