Instagram Reels: 7 Ideas of What to Post

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Instagram Reels are an amazing place to share fun content relating to yourself and your brand, but the process of deciding what to post can be daunting. For that reason, we’ve compiled a list of ideas to get you posting.

Pro Tip: When struggling with what to post on reels, Watch more reels!

The most valuable inspiration comes from seeing what others are doing on reels & coming up with creative ways to apply trends and audios to your business. For each of the ideas below we’ve linked an example reel that we’ve seen & loved to get your creative juices flowing!

  1. Introduce Yourself & Your Team

    We love seeing accounts introduce themselves and the team behind their brands on their Instagram Reels. It’s an opportunity to put a face to your company, and highlight your personalities.

    Example: this reel from 365 Day Media Group is the perfect example of turning your nerves into a relatable introduction!

  2. Show Behind the Scenes

    Reels are a fantastic way to show a behind the scenes look at your business. We are always saying being relatable and showing the reality of your business helps build your community, and reels is a fun way to do it. This could be the back end of business decisions, the work that goes into creating your products, showcasing your office space, or showing anything that people don’t know about your business!

    example: this reel from tyler j mccall is a hilarious example of showing the behind the scenes of mornings as an entrepreneur.

  3. Educate Your Audience!

    Reels are perfect for educating your audience and giving tips relating to your industry. It’s a quick and digestible way for your audience to learn more about a topic, and positions you as an expert in your industry.

    Example: this reel from us is our most popular because we are teaching viewers how to customize their instagram icon!

  4. Showcase Your Products or Services

    If you are using Instagram to sell your products & services you are not alone! Instagram is the perfect place to highlight your products and attract customers, and reels is allowing you to showcase them in a unique way. Find creative ways to highlight uses for your product, unique features of your products, or show the difference your services make for clients!

    Example: We love this reel from Inkind Boxes, showing a unique view of packaging her product & personalization options.

  5. Repurpose Old Video Content

    If you have an abundance of video content shot for longer form videos or even Tik Tok, this can be repurposed for reels! We are seeing this a lot in the real estate industry. Many realtors have beautiful long form videos showcasing homes that can easily be shortened to highlight their listings in a unique way.

    example: This reel from EV Vancouver using footage from an IGTV to showcase a listing!

  6. Take Part in Trends

    Part of the fun with reels is taking part in the viral trends. Much like Tik Tok, there are trends and popular audios that can be applied to a variety of industries.

    Example: The “Choose Your Character” trend has been going around using video game music to showcase different personas. This reel from Jam Gamble perfectly applies the trend to her industry of public speaking.

  7. Answer Commonly Asked Questions

    We all have frequently asked questions when it comes to our business, and an FAQ page on your website just isn’t enough anymore. Turn those commonly asked questions into short form videos that answer potential customers’ questions in a fun way!

    Example: This reel from Saje Wellness answering the question of how to clean your diffuser with a short tutorial video.

Brynn Featherstone