Why You Need a Social Media Audit Before the New Year

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We know the word “audit” can be intimidating, but we promise this may be the one kind of audit you’ll love! Social Media Audits are all about taking inventory of what is going well for you, and which strategies need to be tweaked. Heading into a new year, it’s the perfect time to use lessons from 2020 to set you off on the right track! Here are 5 reasons you need to prioritize a social media audit this month!

  1. You receive an unbiased review of your efforts

    The benefit of having an outside perspective on your social media is they take a look at your content with fresh eyes. We all love the content we’re making, that’s why we’re posting it! But sometimes that clouds our judgement on what is truly performing the best and what is impacting our growth. Whether you choose a social media expert, a friend, or a coworker, an outside perspective can make all the difference when examining your social media!

    Think about it this way: if your car breaks down, you take it to a mechanic. If you’re feeling sick, you visit a doctor. Trust the experts and get professional guidance on how to up your game on social media!

  2. You will receive insights into what isn’t working in your social media strategy.

    While checking your insights on individual posts is important, using your insights to paint a bigger picture is the benefit of an annual social media audit! Experts are often able to find consistencies in the posts that are performing best on your social channels, and the types of content that isn’t serving you. This allows you to tweak your content to ensure all of your content is encouraging engagement!

  3. Find out why your followers aren’t doing what you want them to

    Do you ever post about a sale on Instagram or link to a new launch on Facebook and hear crickets? Social Media Audits can give you clues into why your followers aren’t responding how you want them to. Whether you’re hoping for more sales, more engagement, or more communication, taking a look at your overall social strategies and how you’re implementing your call to actions can give you the answers.

    Sometimes these are small tweaks like an outdated bio that is often overlooked when you’re busy juggling all the responsibilities of a small business.

  4. Learn how to surpass the competition

    A professional social media audit will examine others in your industry and your direct competitors to see how you’re measuring up. While we always encourage collaboration over competition, it is incredibly beneficial to know what others in your industry are doing.

  5. It will inform your 2021 marketing strategy

    Social media audits give you a roadmap for your upcoming marketing strategy. Learning from your successes and failures is what allows you to grow, both personally and on social media! Start 2021 off right by examining your 2020 Social Media.


Wondering where to get started?

Our friends at 365 Day Media Group have social media audits on sale for the month of December! They will review everything on your 2 platforms of choice including your current posts and insights, your google searches and your competitors and like-minded businesses.

Brynn Featherstone